HONEYCOMB is to a BEE as a NEST is to a?
Hindi translation of the first line of the following paragraph.



Hint: Who lives in a nest?
ANSWER: bird.

The honeycomb is like a house for a bee. Inside it there are three kinds of bees— queen, worker and drone. The worker bees are female. Drone bees are male and their only job is to find a mate for the queen. All bees have six legs and five eyes. The first stage of development of a bee is the egg, the second stage is the larvae, the third stage is the pupae, the fourth and last stage is turning into an adult bee.
A nest is a house for a bird. It is so sturdy and secure that it can survive even the harshest winters. A nest has many layers. Rough, coarse twigs often form the base. Finer twigs and weeds are laced with bark to create the cup. Fine grasses and other soft materials form the inner lining.
Why are honey bees so important to people?
The top left image is the Hindi translation of the first line of the paragraph. Text and drawing by Dhananjay, age 11 and Viraat, age 10. They are students at Bombay International School, Mumbai, India. Mrs. Mona Seervai is the principal.